Monday, August 18, 2008

Summer O'Fun Day 46 (2008)

Jax and Dex went to their skateboard camp today and appeared to have a great time. Ash's kids went too - we carpooled there this morning and I picked all of the kids up this afternoon. Boy, was my car stinky from all the smelly, sweaty kids!

Now they are all here while we wait for Ash's dh to pick them up. The have been SCREAMING. Yes, screaming. I gave them two warnings before I hauled Cars out and put him in time out. The third time I heard screaming I separated everyone. Jax is in his room reading, Cars in his room reading, Gav is reading in the living room, Kins is reading in the family room and Dex is reading in the Lego Room. It is blissfully quiet at the moment.

Why on earth do kids think it is ok to SCREAM. I don't just mean holler or yell but they were screaming. Even after I told them they must not do it. Normally, my kids do not scream in the house because they know it is not allowed. I do know that the last scream that I heard was not from any of my kids but since they were all given fair warning they should all lose the same privilege (no more making videos - they were dancing around to "Paradise City" in costumes and recording it).


Now, I have the timer on for another two minutes at which time I will tell them they can go play quietly in the Lego room or watch a movie (of my choice) on tv. I hate being the mean mom (or friend's mean mom). Aargh!

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