Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Summer O'Fun Day 39 (2008)

Today was hard. The kids have had too much togetherness, I think. Bickering, fighting, screaming. Too much! It has worn me out.

I had a crying fit when I tried to get the 40 pound bike rack on the van. Our driveway slopes down to the house and the rack scrapes on the driveway when it is installed on the van so we must put it on/off on the road. After I hauled it up the driveway and hoisted it onto the hitch, I pushed it in too far and it got stuck so I could not put in the pin. I tried for about five minutes then the tears started. I finally had to call Stephen and he offered to come home to help. After we hung up, I gave it one more hard pull and got it off so I called him back and told him not to come home. I managed to get it back on and in the correct position while the kids watched in complete silence, staring at their mess of a mom.

After the tears, the boys' behaviour improved dramatically. We went swimming then picked up Subway subs for dinner and met some friends at a park in Redmond. The weather was just perfect and the park has a bunch of new playground equipment which suited the older kids. I am glad the day ended on such a high note.

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