Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Today, my neighbour asked me if I wanted a few plants. I said "Sure", thinking she would be giving me a few "babies" from her many plants. She ended up giving me 9 mature grass plants! Wow! I love these plants and I was hoping for some small ones that would, in a couple of years, fill out and look nice along my front walk. I was so surprised and delighted that she gave me 9!! I planted them and hope they take. I will take pictures in the spring. ;)

She also had dug up dozens of strawberry plants and offered me some so i took 15. I hope they spread nicely so in the spring I will have lots of strawberries (if the slugs and rabbits don't get to them first).

I had no where to plant the strawberries so I dug out a few plants that I hated in the backyard. While I was in the backyard, I cleaned up a few leaves from one of the beds, including leaves around my Japanese maple (here's a picture from Summer '08)

I also decided to dig up a few more plants that I hated but then ran out of time so I left everything where it was and went to get the kids from school. I did not get back to the garden for another three hours because it was a glorious day and the kids played at the park (and I had a nice conversation with Spy). Anyway, when I got home, I went finish the job and I noticed that my wheelbarrow was moved so I figured that lawn guys had been while I was gone. I went back to trying to dig out a plant and I glanced over at my Japanese maple and just about DIED of shock!

The top 6" of my tree was broken off and was laid on the brick wall! Noooooooooooooo!

I was so upset. I took the photo then marched in and emailed the owner of the business to tell him that my tree was broken. He replied that he was going to tell me about it and will replace the tree. *sigh* I am sure that the tree does not need to be replaced (at least, I hope it won't die from the top being snapped off), but it is my Japanese maple! Wah!

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