Thursday, July 14, 2005

Summer O'Fun Day 17

Summer O'Fun Day 17

It was finally warm enough to go to the beach! We went to Lk Samm State Park (think Ted Bundy hunting grounds) and had a good time. There was a nice breeze coming off the lake which kept it from getting too hot. Jax and Dex had a great time swimming in the water and Cars had fun lying on the shore playing in the wet sand. We did have to leave abuptly though when Jax broke out in hives all over his face. It was the worst case of hives I have seen on his face before. I thought I had benadryl in the car but I didn't so we sped home. I will carry benadryl with me from now on. I can put a few tablets in the Epi-Pen case and I will put some in the first aid kit in the car too.

Once we got home, the kids played on the slip'n'slide for a half hour then they sat wrapped up in towels on the chairs in the sun talking and being silly. It was such a perfect summertime day today.

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