Thursday, July 07, 2005

Summer O'Fun Day 12

Jax had a friend over today to play. They wanted to play inside most of the day so they missed the sunshine except when I made them march up the street to see if a school mate was home so they could say hi (she was not home). After we took the kid home we stopped by the library. Stephen worked late so I went through the McD's drive-thru and we took our food to the park to listen to a concert (a Mowtown Cover band). There were several people there that we knew and the kids had fun. Dex said he didn't get to have all the fun there was to be had though because we left 15 mins early (it was nearly their bedtime!).

The neighbours directly across the street and neighbours directly to their left (my right) have been feuding for about 7 years. Well maybe feuding is the wrong word. They had a big fight and now they completely ignore each other. Today I was going out to get the mail and the lady across the street and her oldest dd (she's 18) were sitting on their lawn. We exchanged greetings. Just then, their next door neighbour was walking up the street. She looked over and said "Hi Pez" to me very chipper then completely ignored the neighbours as she passed not 5 feet in front of them. They did not react as she walked by - it was as though she were invisible anyway. It was surreal.

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