Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Summer O'Fun Day 15

Not much fun going on here today. The weather was cool and overcast today. The kids were in crappy moods and I had a migraine most of the day. I finally took an Excedrin Migraine which took away the pain (why didn't I just take the damn thing earlier?).

Our new stove came today. It rocks! I am going to love cooking (ok, so maybe not love) with it. I wonder if it will help me not burn things...

I bought our tickets to Toronto today. The trip will end up costing more than we had anticipated because we waited so late to book them and we decided to take the more expensive (direct) flight to Toronto because the flight via Vancouver leaves at 6AM while the direct flight leaves at a more reasonable 8:15am. So, it was about an extra $300 for the convenience of the direct flight leaving 2 hours later. We are are flying through Vancouver on the way home though.

One interesting tidbit...the flights from Toronto/Seattle and Toronto/Vancouver are approximately the same duration but Air Canada does not serve free food on the Toronto/Vancouver flights (meals for purchase) but they do on the Toronto/Seattle route. I wonder if it is just that Canadians expect less from their airlines than Americans do.

I called the airline after I booked the tickets online to let them know that we had a severe peanut allergic member in our party. The woman gave me the standard line "We do not serve peanuts but cannot guarantee that someone will not bring peanuts on the plane blah blah blah". I replied "I understand that but, as a courtesty, I thought I would let Air Canada know that there will be someone on their flight with a potential life-threatening condition. You know, just in case people bring peanuts on the plane." Silence. Then clickity-clickity-clack-clack as she updated the record and then thanked me for letting them know. We will pre-board and wipe down the arm rests and tray table with Clorox wipes before Jax touches anything.

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