Saturday, March 06, 2004

The day started off on the wrong foot. We spent 20 minutes looking for Jax's baseball mitt to no avail. I finally herded the kids in the car and we were 10 mins late for his practice. Stephen stayed home to look for the mitt. He arrived about 3 minutes after we got there. Apparently the mitt was on top of the dryer (which is stacked on the washer). I vaguely remember putting it there when Dex was throwing the baseball in the house. *sigh* Why didn't I remember putting it there? Stephen is still irked about it.

After Jax's t-ball practice we went to Target to get Dex a glove. He is a lefty so the cheapy other mitts that we have will not do. He is going to be playing t-ball at the Y starting next month. He so wants to play with Jax though and it is sad watching him watch Jax at practice.

I felt like being creative today so I sewed ribbon on six cloth diapers to give away as burp cloths. I am very impressed with myself. I received a set of them when Cars was born and I know they sell at the nearby boutique for $15/set (that is three diapers). I bought six on sale at Fred Meyer for $9 and I used two rolls of ribbon on sale from Michael's. Anyway, for less than the cost of one set, I made two sets. They will be perfect if Wally and Andrea's baby has reflux (likely since Wally has GERD).

I read about 1/2 of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to Jax today. He is totally enthralled with it. I cannot wait to finish reading it tomorrow.

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