Sunday, March 14, 2004

Brainstorming again...I think it would be a good idea if there were a nut-free chocolate company here in WA. Vermont Nut Free Chocolates is so far that you have to pay for express shipping to make sure that the candy does not melt. I could start small and deliver or let customers this way pick-up their orders. Hmmm...

Ok, pipe dream. I am an inherently lazy person so I don't think I could do all that was needed to get this started. I would just like wrapping the chocolates in pretty paper and ribbons. LOL I don't even know if I would like MAKING the chocolate.

I finally inserted my contacts yesterday on the 6th try. Tried once already this morning and haven't been able to do so. I can remember Andrea Croone (or was it Kroone?) from my grade 5 class got contacts that year because everyone used to call her four eyes (I never did although I did call Suzanne Paine that in grade 6). How could a 10 year old do it so easily and here's me, 38 and I cannot?? Grrrrr!

Well, off to spend a small fortune at Costco.

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