Sunday, March 15, 2009

We had a St. Patrick's Day party last night with Spy's family and Ash's family over for dinner. Stephen made corned beef (~gag~) and I made a lamb stew (yum!) we also had a fancy cabbage slaw, barley risotto and boiled red potatoes. Oh, and green Cosmos. I went super easy with dessert and made white cake cupcakes with green butter cream frosting, topped with a green Peep. And a pan of wheat-free brownies with fudge icing for Spy. I had a blast! I love my family and friends!

My mom is coming for a visit on Thursday. My SIL is not coming after all (her youngest dd will be returning on Saturday evening from a trip to Florida so SIL thought she should be home to see her before she heads back to university on Sunday. Too bad but hopefully SIL will come sometime soon.

The kids got their report cards on Friday and I was pleased with everything...except for a couple of Cars' "Life Skills" and the comment that he needs to learn to keep his hands to himself when standing in line. Oops! He always claims that it is not him. ~eye roll~ Riiight.

Jax's teacher mentioned that he needed to write in cursive more but he just does not like to do it. He will only do it when she specifically tells him he *must* (like on final drafts of assignments, etc). It has become a running joke between him and his teacher...only I don't think he is joking. He claims he can print faster than he can write in cursive but I think it is just his own little way of rebelling. I am happy that the rebel seems to be limited to printing and loving that crazy, bush hair of his. At least for now.

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