Sunday, March 01, 2009

Stephen is super busy at work so he had to go in today which totally sucked because my house did not get cleaned today! ;) He normally cleans while I am at church with the kids (love that ex-Catholic guilt!). Guess I am going to have to do it tomorrow while the kids are at school.

And tomorrow I am going to go to the gym for the first time in two weeks! OMG I miss it! I have been doing the on demand stuff but it is not quite the same (I chose not to do cardio at home).

So, I did give up chocolate for Lent along with bacon and I am not doing too well. I mean, I haven't had any but I think about it all.the.time. Especially since the Girl Scout cookies came out this week and I had ordered three boxes of Samoa's! OMG - they are my favourite and I love to eat them frozen. So I have two boxes hidden away (I let the kids eat the other box plus the Thin Mints) and I think they are actually calling my name.

How many more days until Easter? Oh, that reminds me of Cadbury's Easter Creme Eggs. Yum!

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