Sunday, July 06, 2008

So the 4th of July party was not without its share of mishaps.

Problem #1
I did not hide the super soakers or barring that, ensure that they were completely empty of water. The kids found them and soaked everyone and while I was inside for a few minutes, someone turned on the hose and lots of kids got very wet. Oops!

Problem #2
I was trying to do two things and once, pulled a plate of the cupboard and knocked over a mug which fell against the cabinet door, pushed it open and dropped onto the plate which once belonged to my Nana (it was a wedding gift 80 years ago)!

The plate and the murderous mug:

Yes, the guilty party is a scrabulous mug.

I guess those really were the only two problems. We had a few small bickering from the kids when it came time to play "Rock Band" and one child had a headache. Otherwise, I think the party was a lot of fun - at least I had fun. :)

I think a couple of my friends who are gardeneres had a fun poking around the yard too. It has been fun exploring and seeing what has been coming up. I am so NOT a gardener because what comes with gardens is bugs and when there are bugs there are SPIDERS! So, I have been trying to tidy up the beds to make them look presentable but I am definitely not a huge hands-on gardener.

So, here are a few highlights to my garden that I can take absolutely no credit for whatsoever.

Raspberry patch

Lavender and lone stock of corn growing in wood chips by play structure

Strawberry pot

Compost "pile" which is really just a mound of dirt with lots of weeds and errant raspberries growing in it. Also, Japanese Maple that I bought to replace the one from Tabitha that Stephen accidentally killed with the weed whacker. :(

What I can take credit for are the carrots that are growing (finally!) and the snow peas plant:

Our pumpkin plants have finally sprouted too (no photos) but the spinach did not and the tomato plants died. I definitely do not have a green thumb!

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