Sunday, July 13, 2008


Dex's birthday party on Friday night/Saturday morning went well. Dex had a really good time though the boys did not sleep as much as I thought they might. Oh well, my kids slept in this morning and probably will again tomorrow.

Stephen is staining the climber today. We've had it for 4 years and it has faded a lot in the sun. Most of the stain has worn off the Gladys Kravitz perch. It should be looking new and fresh by the end of today. BTW, our new deck is higher than the GK perch as the backyard slopes down at the back so the porch is much better for looking around. "Stephen! New people are moving in the house beside us!"

I went to a friend's house last night for a girl's night Rock Band. I think we only played about 6 songs but I have four blisters and a callus on my fingers and hand from the drumsticks (Neil Peart, I am not). One is so big and it is right about my rings so I will not be able to remove them until it heals. Ouch!

In the paper today, I noticed in the ads that the school supplies are starting to go on sale. This year we did not get the school supply list for next year along with the report cards. Aargh! So mostlikely we are not going to know what to get until a few days before school starts when they meet their teachers or perhaps the school will send out a note on "Parent Organizer" which is an online message system that the school uses. With three kids now in school, I need to take advantage of the sales! Especially on glue sticks as in the past, I remember having to supply some ridiculous number for kindergarten - like 18! And they still ran out and asked for more later in the year! We also have to supply about 2 or 3 reams of paper PER CHILD because, again, a few years ago, the school ran out of paper. Crazy!

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