Friday, January 12, 2007

The ladies from Book Club left about 30 minutes ago. It was a fun time tonight. I was worried that everyone would cancel due to the icy roads but everyone carpooled and trucked on over in their 4x4's.

The roads are very icy. The temperatures dropped very quickly about 4pm and everything froze solid. We went sledding in Ash's backyard but when it was time to go home at 4:15, the sliding doors to my van were frozen and would not open. I had all of the kids climb in through the trunk then I had to climb in from the front seat to buckle Cars in his carseat. One of the doors is still slightly open and it will neither open nor close. I'll run the car for a while tomorrow to see if I can warm up the car enough to de-ice the door.

And speaking of tomorrow, no school. So, that is the 4th snow day for the year (and 5th day if you count the power outage day). The school has not built in these snow days so there are so many theories about how they are going to make it up. The most recent one is that the governor of the state is going to decree a one-time only deal where it is ok that the kids miss so many hours of school this year because of all of the weather-related missed days. Also, our kids get out early on Wednesdays so there is talk of extending the days on some Wednesdays to make up the hours. It will be interesting to see what they decide.

Stephen went to work for a couple of hours today. He drove with Ash's dh to go and rescue their stranded car then he and Gar drove to work together. They just stayed about 3 hours then headed home once the temperatures dropped. Gar dropped Stephen off at the church and Stephen was able to get his car up our hill to home. We'll see how the roads are tomorrow. Temperatures are not expected to go until Sunday or Monday.

Ok, off to bed. I hope the kids sleep in since there is no school in the morning!

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