Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Jax asked me today what "pushed me over the edge" meant. I explained to him what it meant (literally and figuratively). A short time later he came up to me with big eyes and told me that his music teacher said that to him today after Jax did The Worm in class. He was very contrite and wanted to know what I thought the teacher was then going to do.

Now, I was not too sure what exactly he was more upset about at first. That the teacher had been driven crazy or that the teacher was going to call our home to talk to me. I told him he had to apologize (he said he had already written a note and it was in his desk at school and he would give it to the music teacher on Friday). However, I don't think this should said so we are going to go in to school a little early tomorrow so he can get the note then we will track the teacher down so Jax can apologize in person.

This is the second time this year that Jax has told me he was in trouble in music for trying to be funny. *sigh*

I told him that it was very important for him to behave in school. Not only was he keeping the teacher from doing his job but he was also keeping the other children from learning. Now for the mean mom part...I told him that if he were ever having an anaphylactic reaction the music teacher might not initially recognize it and think that perhaps Jax is just acting up again. Jax's eyes almost popped out of his head. I said of course the teacher will help you, *if* he recognize that you really needs help and is not just misbehaving but if you constantly misbehave, the teacher might figure that is what is happening yet again.

I think I have scared him straight. We'll see. And we'll see what the teacher has to say tomorrow. I am irritated with the teacher because if Jax is chronically being a PITA why on earth has he not called me? I guess the other time Jax acted up the teacher said he was going to get a "communications slip" which is given out for things like fighting or destroying property and openly defying teachers. It means a trip the to Principal's office and a meeting with parents. But we heard nothing! Why is he making idle threats? Punish him if he is misbehaving! Sheesh!

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