Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Back to the Grind

Well, for Jax and Dex. Kindergarten is on a staggered start so Cars starts tomorrow. I had to drive the kids today because we have a new bus driver who has not been trained to use an Epi Pen. He should be trained by the end of the week though.

I am not looking forward to the deluge of paper that will be coming home today (and tomorrow). Every year I try to keep myself organized but to no avail. Last year, I bought a bulletin board to keep important papers on but I would end up pinning up note on top of other notes and losing track. I am going to try the binder method again this year (it failed for me a couple of years ago but maybe this time...).

I filled up safe snack boxes for Jax and Cars to keep in their classrooms. They will eat from them when other kids bring in birthday snacks. We stocked up on the snacks in Vancouver. We went for an overnight trip this weekend (I will spare you the details of the 45 minute border wait one way and the 2 hour wait the other) and bought $100 worth of snack items - all peanut/nut-free and made in peanut/nut-free facilities (thanksDare)!

It was great seeing Lola this weekend too. She is so sweet and so funny. She seems to really like her cousins. Here she is with a chop stick "helping" Dex with his game.

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