Tuesday, September 02, 2008

First Day of School Part I

Jax and Dex started school today. We walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus to show up. It arrived with a new bus driver who has not been trained to use an Epi Pen so back home we went and hopped in the car so I could drive the kids to school. I met them at the park after school today and will continue to do so this week until the driver is trained (hopefully by the end of this week).

Cars starts tomorrow and I am so happy. I am happy that he is going to school and happy for him because he is so excited! However, I did get choked up tonight and I now know that I am going to bawl tomorrow. I don't want to let him see me cry though so hopefully I won't cry until after he has gone into the school.

One disappointing thing about today is that Jax's 504 Plan was violated(Stephen is mad that I am using that word but that is what it is). The violation was that no note was sent home in the first day packet stating that there is a kid in Jax's class with a life-threatening allergy. I cannot believe it! I mean, it is in his 504 Plan, we covered it at the meeting last week with his teacher and the school nurse. Sh!t! I called three other parents in Jax's class to make sure it was not just our packet that was missing the letter but no. I have sent a note to the principal and nurse (there is a new school counselor but I am not 100% sure that she is the 504 coordinator so I did not copy her) asking what happened and when will it be rectified. I hope that there is one in Cars' first day packet or I think I will lose it. Incidentally, there was one in Dex's packet as there is a kid in his class with a peanut allergy so I know that the letter was at least published for this year (standard form letter written by the district and signed by the principal). *sigh*

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