Thursday, September 18, 2008

Today was a super busy day and I am still feeling completely stressed out about the garage sale. I have priced most things (except for clothes) but the rest of the stuff I cannot do until tomorrow morning (move bikes out of garage and start putting out stuff for sale). My friend, T, with whom I always have the sale, has tons more stuff than usual so our garage is jammed packed. I will be happy to see it all out (and sold!).

I still have to make signs for the sale and should be doing that and out putting them up but I am super stressed and am at a point where I had to walk away from it.

The stress is not just from the garage sale (this is just the immediate stress). I have a laundry list of things that are making my mind churn:

1) Dex tics - no, I have not yet called the neurologist. I figure there is no rush because we won't get in for 8 weeks anyway and the tics will be long gone by then anyway
2) I am about to fall off the roof and when I do, I am to call my GYN and schedule the surgery to remove the endometriosis that is seeping out my c-section incision. Except now I am terrified that I am going to die on the operating table. Or worse - end up with a hysterectomy. Why I think that is worse, I don't know. I am not thinking of putting off the surgery until January because
3) My mother bugs me every other day to find out when my surgery is going to happen because she wants to make sure we trek up to Vancouver to see her when she is there watching Lola but
4) Stephen's passport expires in November and it needs to be renewed (and returned) to us by mid-November because we are going to a hockey game in Vancouver so we either renew now and possibly not have it in time for my mom's visit or renew it after that and not have it in time for the hockey game. And yes, I know we've let it late and typically they can be renewed within 2 weeks but it would be just my luck...
5) I have been so weepy lately. I cry at everything and even cried today at MOPS. I would like to think that no one noticed but I am sure people did. To be fair, it was God's love and compassion that drew the tears today but once they started it was almost impossible to stop them. I am just glad that I did not blubber like an idiot. Just lots of tears.
6) I blurted out to my guitar teacher that I was having a shitty week and I almost burst into tears again (this was after MOPS). He told me that he was a trained counselor (as well as a recording artist) and started talking a bit about it and I am now sooooo embarrassed!

I am so looking forward to next week.

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