Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Summer O'Fun 2006 Day 47

Ok, so where did the summer weather go? We had plans to go to the water park today. And Stephen was hell-bent on fulfilling those plans. Even when I told him the high today was going to be only 70. And it was overcast and chilly this morning, he insisted we go. So, we drove off, bundled up in sweatshirts. The kids complained that it was cold. We went anyway.

We decided that if it were still chilly when we got there (well, *I* knew it would be - only Stephen was hopeful), we would go on some of the non-water rides until it warmed up. Forty minutes later as we are getting off the highway, it started to rain. Not a lot but enough. I demanded that Stephen pull over. He got out of the car and yes, it was too cold. And it was spitting. And we had no rain gear with us. So, we turned around and headed to Seattle and the boys had a blast at Gameworks. We were there for three hours (well, I took a time-out and went to Old Navy and Eddie Bauer). The sun finally came out at 4:15 and we walked through Pike Place Market as the vendors were closing up shop.

Stephen just really, really wants the kids to have fun. His heart was in the right place and he was sooo optimistic. So, we are going to try to go again to the water park on Friday when the weather is supposed to warm up to the high 70's. Wish us luck!

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