Sunday, June 29, 2008

Boy for someone having a blog identity crisis, I am sure posting enough!

Today was HOT! I awoke with a migraine and spent much of the day in bed with the window air conditioner on. The kids slept in our room last night as it was the only cool room in the house. It seems a little cooler this evening so they are sleeping in their own beds with fans blowing on them. Let's hope that they sleep. Their windows are only cracked about 4" because I still worry they might fall out of them. I could probably let Jax open his a little more but then if I do that then Cars will demand that his be opened more too and then it will become a power struggle. The problem with Cars and Dex's room too is that their window has a window seat so it would be much more likely that they would fall out the window than would Jax. And, theirs is a straight drop down whereas Jax would fall unto a bit of the roof of the laundry room, and then perhaps roll off down to a one story drop. It is 2 stories from Dex and Cars' room.

Anyway, so hopefully it will cool right down tonight and hopefully I will not need to run the gazillion fans in the house.

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