Thursday, March 20, 2008

Geez, was I ever in a grumpy mood yesterday or what? I must be pms-ing because I have little patience for anyone or anything.

Dex's tics have increased to a level not seen before. His head shaking is so violent that he is giving himself headaches. He has verbal tics now too so I guess I just cannot deny that they are tics. I have made another appointment with the neurologist for him but we cannot get in until mid-May. I am sure by then the tics will be gone (just like last time) so I am trying to capture the tics on video but Dex keeps seeing me trying to sneak around with the camera and he is very self-conscious and that seems to stop the tics.

According to the DSM-IV (thanks for the link, Spy), Dex meets 3 of the 4 diagnostic criteria for Tourette's. The only one that he seems not to have is to having a tic-free period of more than 3 months. I believe he had been tic-free since last Fall. I need to ask Stephen what his opinion is of that. Definitely the head-shaking disappeared last summer before his appointment with the neurologist and only made a comeback less than a week ago.

Ok, off to "spy" on Dex with the camera.

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