Thursday, July 19, 2007

Summer O'Fun 2007 Day 18

Dex had an appointment with the neurologist today. His headaches (and head shaking) have mostly disappeared over the past couple of weeks. The neurologist asked both Dex and I a lot of questions and his conclusion is that he is 99% sure that Dex had a tic which has waned. He explained that tics involving head shaking usually cause headaches so most likely the headaches came after the head shaking, not vice versa.

I am happy that it is not something that is serious. He said that 1/100-1/150 kids have tics and that they usually go away by the age of 15 or so. I hope so. And I do feel more at ease hearing this from a neurologist than from the pediatrician. We only have to go back if he gets any tics that have vocalizations or if they really bother Dex.

While we were in Seattle at the doctor, Jax and Cars got to work with Stephen. Dex is feeling put out because they probably had more fun than he did. He will be happy next week though when Jax and Cars are getting poked and having blood drawn at the allergist and he gets to just sit there and play gameboy.

Edited to add that I made Pork Tenderloin with Peach Glaze for dinner tonight and it was yummy!

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