Sunday, October 09, 2005

Ugh - still sick. Stephen and I have been sucking on zinc lozenges all day trying to help get better quicker. I guess we'll find out tomorrow if they work.

We still haven't been able to figure out why I can only open one IE window at a time. It is driving me crazy and makes being on the computer so tedious (too much copy/pasting URL's into Wordpad. Time to back up the machine and try reinstalling a bunch of things, I guess. It is so maddening!

Ian passed away yesterday. He was the youngest son of one of one my mom's good friends (and the youngest brother of my grade 12 boyfriend!). He had systemic scleroderma which he was diagnosed with when he was 7 years old. His parents were told that he would not live past age 12. He was 34 when he died and ironically, he died from cancer and not from the disease that ravaged his body all these years.

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