Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I taught Art in Dex's class today. I cannot believe how nervous I get speaking to grade-school kids! It was fun making the art project (white crayon on a huge coffee filter then dyed with food dye - similar to the Yoruda Adire Cloths. Anyway, I played Nigerian music in the background (thank you Olu <--my Nigerian friend, not Olu as in God). Olu gave me a Nigerian Drum CD for my birthday one year while we were living in Minnesota. The kids had a great time drawing on the coffee filters, creating patterns then seeing their patterns come alive after they used eyedroppers to drip food dye on them. Tomorrow I plan to go back to the school and hang them up in the cubbie-area for the kindergarten classes.

I have been trying to get Cars to go to sleep in his own bed each night rather than fall asleep downstairs with us (well mostly wtih Stephen while I am out walking from 9=10). I had a couple of successful evneings but tonight was a disaster. He cried hysterically for 45 minutes. Even foregoing his pacified to which he he is still very much attached. Finally I had to give up and take him into our bedroom and he fell asleep on my bed. I am such a suck when it comes to my children crying. :(

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