Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Jax's 504 Review was yesterday. We now have it written in that he gets an "individual" desk and not one of the the double shared desks. Also, no teacher will use peanuts or peanut products in a lesson plan. If they have plans to they will contact us to work out a suitable replacement. The portable issue will have to wait because they do not know for sure if the 6th graders will be in portables next year. And no movement on the "buddy lunch" and peanut butter thing. We can't win them all, I guess.

Jax told his counselor tonight what happened last week. He mentioned that he was not sure that he liked his teacher anymore because of what happened and his counselor suggested that he might like to give her another chance. I really appreciated that he said that. Jax needs to hear things like that from people other than his parents before he will consider them.

And on another note...


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