Tuesday, November 09, 2004

I took the kids to SEARS on Monday night for their Christmas photo. The girl working there was not good and her manager or whatever kept commenting that people were waiting (nevermind that we had to wait 20 minutes past our scheduled time before we started). Anyway, I did get one ok picture of the three of them. I did not buy any individual photos of them - they all turned out rotten and really I had no intention of buying any but after the manager came in and told her to hurry along I let her set up and take individual photos. EvilOne has rubbed off on me and EvilPez lives!

And because I was so evil on Monday night, I paid for it today with a horrible migraine. It was so bad that I thought I was having a stroke. I had to ask Stephen to come home early from work (12:30) and I went to bed for several hours. I still hurt but now I am wide awake and cannot sleep.

Earlier tonight I was watching CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corp) and I watched an episode of
The Greatest Canadian. Tonight's episode was about Lester B. Pearson who was the Canadian Prime Minister and he created the UN Peace Keeping program (for which he won a Nobel Peace Prize). I really had not known much about him besides the Nobel Peace Prize thing and that he was the one who gave Canada its own flag. What a great man. He has definitely ousted Pierre Ellliot Trudeau as my "Greatest Canadian"!

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