Friday, January 28, 2005

Nanny did not show up today. She thought I had told her I did not need her. I had told her I did not need her at 8am but to come at 9 instead. *sigh* So I had to run errands with all three kids. Plus I did not get to go to Costco to look for new glasses. Cars threw a ceramic St. Joseph figure at me at Christmas and scratched the left lens. The glasses place could not buff it out - I need new lenses. So I decided that I would just wait until my new glasses benefits kicked in this month and I am going to get a pair of glasses with clip-on sunglasses. I never got the hang of contact lenses (how unnatural it is to stick things IN your eyes!) so I have been without sunglasses for a year.

Dh came home late for dinner (stopped for a drink with people from work!). So I was ticked off at that. Then he tells me that if we had joined the health club back in November(which is free for employees of his company but they can only sign up during benefit enrollment time each November), we would be able to take the kids swimming there for free and cancel their Y swim membership. Aaargh! That is exactly what I told him in November but apparently because I don't actually WORK at MS then how could I have possibly known that. Geez, I cannot believe how pissed off I am at him about this.

I bought Jax two pairs of shoes today. His running shoes were a size 1.5 and his feet are size 3. Oops! He also told me that his clothes were not cool.(!) He is six. Ok, nearly 7...but still! I took him to Fred Meyer and asked him to show me some cool clothes. He pointed out a pair of cammo pants and a pair of jeans that looks like a mechanic had worn them for a year and never washed them. Those jeans also had the lovely chain hanging down from them for one's wallet. He also wants black t-shirts. What happened to my young, sweet, little boy!

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