Monday, January 10, 2005

Missed the Boy Scout Pick-up

We forgot to put the tree to the curb for the Boy Scouts to pick up. Looks like I saved $10. So Stephen had to saw off all of the limbs from the tree and cut it in half to fit it in our yard waste bin for recycling.

It snowed yesterday (three days later than the storm they were warning us about). Jax really wanted to make a snowman so out he went. It did not snow that much so the snowman really became a mudman (have I mentioned that our backyard is a BOG from October through May?). But they had a ball.

Ramona and I had an IM conversation yesterday with us both hooked up to our webcams. It was fun "talking" to her and seeing her at the same time. I wish my camera had sound.

Tonight is Mom's night out with playgroup mom's. Our last one. Sarah is moving back to the east coast and Leslie is moving to Everett. And of course Carolyn moved to Philadelphia last year. So then there were three - Jen, Tracey and I. I don't imagine we will meet anymore because we are all just too busy. I loved meeting weekly with these women, even with the stress of morning drives around the lake to get to playgroup (we used to be the only one who lived in the boonies). I feel a real sense of loss. :(

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