Friday, October 17, 2008

Today was my day to be Dex's advocate.

First, I helped plan the Halloween party for his class. I chose activities that I thought Dex would really like. And I did push for things to be completely peanut-free (there are two PA kids in his class). This helps Dex too because he does not being around peanuts because of Jax's allergy. He's so kind-hearted.

After school, I visited with Dex's teacher today to discuss his reading. Of course today he passed an AR test and moved up a level in SRA because he finished two SRA tests this week! So, I think the reading thing is really a non-issue. He is feeling better knowing that he has moved up an SRA level and has passed his AR test.

Also, I spoke to the neurologist's office today. The doctor wants to see Dex again to talk about medication to control the tics. Yikes! Of course the appointment date they gave me was December 29th! I told the nurse (I think she was a nurse and not just a receptionist because there is another person in the office to handle appointments) that my concern with that was by the time we get in, the tics will be gone and there is no way I will accept any meds for him without the doctor witnessing the tics. She said she'd talk to the doctor. She called back a while later and said the doctor did want to see him sooner so they were able to schedule an appointment in two weeks' time! I am still very unsure about medication for his head-shaking tics (they are very severe though) so I need to know more about the medication, how it works and how long he'd have to be on it.

The one sad thing for Dex is that the appointment time conflicts with his class Halloween party. That totally sucks but it is what needs to be done.

I told Dex that I was taking him back to the neurologist. He really wants help with his tics. He gets frequent headaches from them and he himself has noticed that the head shake is starting to be a head and shoulder shake. :(

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