Thursday, October 23, 2008

This week I have received four Christmas catalogues in the mail. Ugh! I don't want to think about it yet!

My kids have been talking about Christmas already too. They have mentioned starting lists. It is going to be an interesting year because this is the first year that I am certain that Jax does not believe in Santa Claus.

How do I know this? Well, a few weeks ago at school, the new counselor came in to the class to talk to the kids about kindness and compassion. She asked for an example and one boy raised his hand and said something along the lines that kindness is still pretending to believe in Santa Claus so you don't ruin it for younger kids. Oops! I know that Jax was not the only one in the class who still thought there might be a Santa Claus (I heard this story from Spy, btw, whose dd told her about it. Jax has said NOTHING!).

Anyway, Jax has not yet said anything about asking Santa for such-and-such a gift. Dex and Cars have both said something about it. I wish Jax would say something to me. I'll have to bring it up to him the next time we are alone. I have always said in our house that if you believe in Santa, he'll bring you a gift. I wonder if that is why Jax is not saying anything.

I also hope that he does not say anything to Dex or Cars. I can totally remember trying to show off my knowledge and how grown-up I was by telling my youngest brother, Wally, that there was no such thing as Santa Claus the year that I found out (I was 9). My brother was devastated and devised a plan to find out if it were true. Wally refused to tell my mom and dad what he wanted for Christmas and said he was only going to tell Santa when we went to visit him at the mall. Fortunately, one of my older brothers, JP, managed to find out what it was that Wally wanted so JP told my mom who was able to get the gift. Wally was so delighted on Christmas morning to know that there was indeed a Santa (at least for that year).

I can totally see Jax doing what I did. And I would be so disappointed if he did.

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