Still no resolution on the peanut thing. I am waiting for the Head Nurse of Health Services for the school district to call me back. In the meantime, I have requested a letter from Jax's doctor authorizing him to carry his epi pen. It is just a formality because it is State Law allows him to do so. He is still *very* concerned and thinks that because kids can eat peanut butter in his class that he is the only one at school who cares about his safety. It really is heartbreaking.
Anyway, I did meet with the principal today and hopefully she will help move things along a little faster with the health plan. I am resolved to the fact that we will not get a "safe" classroom. Once this is settled, I will probably write about all the shit that has been happening. But not while it is unresolved and the blahg shows up in google searches.
One of the parents at the park where we meet the kids after-school joked that I get five t-shirts for Jax that say "Please do not kill me with your peanut butter sandwich" and they will get similar t-shirts for their kids that say "Please do not kill my friend with your peanut butter sandwich". Teeheehee If Stephen would agree, I would do it. Well, maybe 5 shirts is overkill but at least 1 that he can wear every now and then. Although, Jax is so stressed it really would not be a good idea.
And I can certainly tell he is stressed.
Today, while we were walking out from the school at lunch, we saw a big, fat caterpillar and Cars, Jax and I stopped to look at it. I suggested that perhaps we move it from the walkway back to the garden area. Jax said that I should just leave it. We walked away and then a mom, her toddler and her son passed us as they headed into the school. Jax turned around and stopped while I kept walking. Then I heard a little cry from him and he said "She stepped on it!" We ran back and sure enough, the caterpillar was oozing on one end where it had been smooshed. Jax got all teary saying, "It is all my fault! I told you not to move it!" I assured him that it was still alive and I picked up the fat, oozing thing and carried it over to the garden area. We proceeded to the park to eat lunch. Jax kept talking about how it was his fault that the caterpillar was squished and dead. Poor kid! I kept reassuring him but he was so upset.
And let me tell you, he really does not think a lot animals and creatures and their welfare, so this was extremely unusual.
When we returned, the caterpillar was gone. "See?! He was ok!" I reassured Jax. "He's crawled away!". Jax thought was certain that the body had rotted away already. I didn't tell him that I really believed that a bird had a nice, juicy lunch.