Thursday, June 16, 2005

I am mommy watch me roar

Had a little run in with another mom at Dex's preschool today. Tonight was the end-of-year carnival and I volunteered to help set up. While putting out the baked goods and other goodies that were donated by parents for the cake walk, I noticed a lot of chocolate bars and chocolates that contain peanuts or nuts (this is a peanut-free/nut-free school). I told the mom who was in charge of the cake walk that some of the stuff should not be there. She got all snippy with me and as I pointed out things here and there she would snatch them off the shelves and roll her eyes at me. Then in a very sarcastic tone she said "All candy is labeled that way. I guess your children do not eat ANY candy". And I said "No, only candy that may contain or does contain peanuts is labeled that way". We were done so I walked out of the room and over to the preschool owner and told her that lots of the treats had peanuts or tree nuts in them and they need to let people know.

Then Snotty mom comes out and starts going on how the candy that *may* have nuts have been removed and another mom said "Actually, there are a lot of M&M's there and they are still on the shelf". I said that this school is supposed to be peanut and nut free and the notice sent home asking for goodies stated no nuts". Snotty mom interrupted me, stating that a responsible parent would not let their child pick something from that room then. Geez I was mad. I said "Please do not interrupt me" and I turned back to the owner and said that even if parents had their child choose something that they knew was safe, another child who might eat something with nuts or peanuts could make it dangerous for the allergic children. Snotty mom started rolling her eyes and sighing. Whatever, bitch.

To top it all off, I had to have this talk in front of my children. I kept my cool but I was assertive. No way I will let someone make me feel badly for protecting my child.

So the owner agreed to put up signs all over the room where the cake walk was to be held that the food may contain nuts and peanuts (while the stuff that definitely does was taken away).

And in the end we chose not to go into the room at all even though I knew the rice crispie treats and chocolate chip cookies I sent in where safe.

Stephen told me I should have asked her point blank if she were really saying that she was unwilling to protect the lives of children - then I should have called her an asshole.

I frigging hate that Jax has this peanut allergy. I hate that we have to watch out for a little protein, that is in so many foods, that could kill him. I hate we have to check and double check ingredients of food that we buy every week. Grocery shopping can take a long time because everything (and I mean everything) gets checked even if I had just bought the same thing the week before. I hate that I have read that peanuts are undeclared in medicine. I read just today that there might be peanut oils in baseball glove conditioner (this could explain Jax's hives after every frigging baseball game and practice).

Protect a Life. Be a PAL. Help find a cure.

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