Friday, December 30, 2005

With the beginning of a New Year here, it is of course time to think about resolutions or goals to achieve in the coming months. I am horrible at making and keeping resolutions. They are always the same anyway, lose weight, get organized, blahblahblah. I never make any action plans to go with these resolutions so of course I never keep them.

This year will be different.

First off, I would like to get fit. In the past I would say lose weight and I hope I do lose weight in my goal to become fit but that will not be my first priority. I have been walking regularly (semi-regularly these past two weeks though) with my neighbour and we cover 2-3 miles each night, depending on the weather. I can now walk up the huge hill from the school without feeling like I am going to die (have altered our course though and haven't walked the hill in a few weeks though since a rapist moved into a house along that route). Stephen and I have joined a fitness club (he says he will not go - his membership was free because it is a benefit from his work and I joined via his membership so I did not have to pay initiation dues) and I hope to work out at least twice each week. That is not often, I know, but until Cars is in preschool, it will have to do. Plus they have like 5 pools there so I hope to take the kids swimming at least once/week.

I need to eat better. I think I went a whole week recently without consuming a piece of fresh fruit or fresh vegetable. That is disgusting. I started looking at the sodium content in canned veggies and the corn syrup added to canned fruit and it gross. They are fine in moderation but my whole diet was processed food and it was not good. I am considering joining WW but my experience with them last time makes me a little hesitant to go back. They were readily encouraging people to consume artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and equal which I just cannot believe are good for you. Also, SOY SOY SOY was heralded as a fine substitution for other proteins. Never mind that SOY SOY SOY is very bad bad bad for people with thyroid problems which, no doubt, many of the WW members have (more info here if you are interested).

The cancer scare that I had at the end of the summer really scared the shit out of me. I know I am not doing all I can do to live my best life (ok, perhaps I am watching too much Oprah?) so I know I need to work harder at living and enjoying life. One big step was admitting that I no longer needed to go to counselling because I saw my ppd as an excuse not to move on. I figured as long as I had ppd then I could not do other things. One thing at a time blah blah blah. I knew I was better so I just had to cut the cord and move on.

So, besides getting fit and eating better, I have a few other small goals that I would like to achieve:
1) take a class (probably a beading class)
2) complete a big knitted project (perhaps a sweater or baby blanket)
3) roll over my 401k to an IRA (I have put this off for 6.5 years and for some reason this worries me)
4) have two parties in my home in 2006 (this is in addition to our annual July 4th bbq and Christmas dinner)
5) take a ferry ride (this terrifies me!)

So there they goals for 2006.

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