Monday, February 09, 2009

We awoke this morning to SNOW! Fortunately, school was only delayed two hours rather than being canceled. I missed my circuit training class as a result though. So, I did some exercise ON Demand to make up for it.

I also spent another hour looking for those damn Valentine's Day decorations. No luck! I will have to go buy another tablecloth tomorrow.

I also received a not from Cars' teacher today because:
1) I forgot to send in 100 gummi bears for 100 days of school which is coming up
2) I forgot to send in Valentine's Day cards for the Valentine's day party on Friday (!) and
3) I forgot to send in 100 things to count for 100 days of school (separate from the 100 gummi bears).

Oh, and the gummi bears and the 100 things (Cars and I ended up counting out 100 PEZ candies) in zippered sandwich bags which of course I do not have. I have gallon-sized, quart-sized and snack-sized bags but no sandwich-sized so I had to go to Safeway.

Aren't Mondays grand?

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