1. I love chocolate
2. I hate spiders
3. I am actually afraid of spiders
4. And bridges
5. I am Canadian
6. I have three boys
7. I cried when I found out the middle one was not a girl
8. It took two weeks to get over that
9. Fortunately, it was when I had an ultrasound and not when he was born
10. I have deformed baby fingers
11. I hate being late
12. I hate when people keep me waiting
13. I love looking up words in the dictionary
14. I love doing crossword puzzles
15. I love playing Scrabble but don’t play it often enough
16. I have grey hair
17. I stopped colouring my hair in 2005
18. It is still “growing in”
19. I hate peanuts because they can kill my oldest son
20. I hate tree nuts because they can kill my youngest son
21. I hate people who chose peanuts and nuts over my children’s lives
22. I think they are selfish
23. I am selfish (edited to clarify that it is not for reason #21!)
24. I am an Aries
25. My feet are always cold
26. My favourite things to wear are a pair of jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt and thick socks
27. I fancy myself an artist
28. I can make jewelry
29. I can paint
30. I can knit (a bit)
31. I can sew (badly)
32. I would like to go to school for graphic design
33. I teach art in my son’s class
34. I volunteer for the PTSA
35. Mostly I make (peanut-free) cookies for staff luncheons
36. I wish I had Shania teeth
37. I cry when I am very angry
38. When I was a child, I wanted to be a teacher (or an actress)
39. I would rather stick hot pokers in my eyes than speak in public
40. I am not very articulate when I speak
41. I worry that I will say the wrong thing so I often say the wrong thing
42. I skipped grade 4
43. I failed one class at university
44. I have a magenta cell phone
45. I want a Blackberry
46. I love the internet
47. I have met 10 people IRL whom I first knew on the internet
48. Most I first met via the SAHP forum on about.com
49. I kissed Scott Baio when I was 14
50. I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology
51. I can kick anybody’s ass at Tetris
52. I like doing laundry (wash, dry, fold) but I hate putting it away
53. I love Christmas
54. I like tall trees that have coloured lights and a mish-mash of decorations
55. I like that my husband loves to spoil the kids rotten at Christmas
56. I like that my husband loves to spoil me rotten at Christmas
57. I have one sister and three brothers
58. My guilty pleasure is celebrity gossip
59. I love blue corn chips with salsa
60. I worry all.the.time about stupid stuff
61. Stephen calls me “Worst Case Scenario”
62. My favourite colours are red, purple and blue (not all together)
63. I have a cobalt blue glass collection
64. I collect Pez dispensers
65. I have over 350 Pez dispensers on display
66. I am obsessed with the weather
67. I check the weather at least three times each day but usually much more often
68. I get migraines from the weather
69. I get migraines from stress
70. I get migraines when I travel
71. I don’t like to travel
72. I belong to a book club
73. I hate it when people don’t read the book
74. I hate it when people pick lousy books
75. I picked a lousy book
76. Ok, two lousy books
77. The third book I picked ROCKED
78. I friggin’ Rock!
79. My favourite drink is ice cold Coca-Cola but I tell everyone it is water
80. I don’t drink diet pop because I think it will give me brain cancer
81. I had a breast biopsy for suspected cancer (it was benign)
82. I have had thyroid surgery
83. I had three c-sections
84. I played football in high school (ok, flag football)
85. I am too cheap to go to Starbucks but I love to go when I get coffee cards as gifts
86. I don’t drink coffee but I love tea (I guess I have to call it hot tea since I live in the States)
87. I once called it hot tea when I was back in Canada and my friends laughed at me – as did the waitress
88. I love Greek salad
89. I love souvlaki
90. Souvlaki and Greek salad were served as the meal at my wedding
91. I wish they made Cadbury’s Easter Crème Eggs year ‘round
92. I eat them by the dozen
93. I need to lose weight
94. I recently rejoined Weight Watchers
95. I replaced the 50 Things about Pez with 100 Things about Pez because some of the others were too honest and embarrass me now
96. I always spelt embarrass wrong for the first 35 years of my life
97. I miss Toronto but do not want to move back there
98. I would like to live in Vancouver
99. My favourite tv shows are Boston Legal, Heroes, Project Runway (Grey’s Anatomy recently fell off the list because it jumped the shark)
100. I love ribbon and could spend hours in fabric stores looking at it