Thursday, April 27, 2006

Stephen is in Vegas. He was so excited before his trip. I had not seen him so excited about anything in such a long time. He did go and exchange the watch for the blue-faced one and he is much happier with it. He is now in Vegas with his new watch which I hope he won't have to hawk to cover his gambling losses. ;)

Stitch N' Bitch today was fun. Again though, there was more bitching than stitching going on.

I met with a personal trainer today to do a body analysis and man am I fat! I am still below the "obese" category but just barely. One good thing is that I do weigh 3 pounds less than I thought - our scale at home must be wrong. ;) I have set a small goal which I plan to reach by June 4th then I will go back to meet with the trainer and will set a new goal.

Jax had his initial First Communion class tonight. I am getting so excited for him to complete his classes and have his First Communion!

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