Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Nothing better than getting up at the crack of dawn to go to the dentist before the kids head to school. The hygenist scolded me for not flossing often enough and then she trying to sell me replacement fillings (the porcelain ones that cost as much as a crown!). I have some cold sensitivity in one tooth from recession (because I clench my teeth in my sleep which lead to another lecture about not wearing my night guard).


What else am I doing wrong?

I do not clean my house often enough. My windows are filthy. The boys' bathroom needs a good scrubbing.

I cannot cook and have burnt more meals than you can shake a stick at. I even managed to transform a pot of chili to a pile of black ash (yes, I said ASH!) a few weeks ago.

I do not water our lawn so the dead grass does not need mowing but the very green patches of clover and dandilions are out of control.

My house needs a couple of coats of paint (outside) and a few windows need replacing.

I am overweight by 25 pounds and I do not exercise enough to keep my heart healthy. I am in desperate need of a dye job because the two inches of grey hair at my roots screams "COLOUR ME!" everytime I look in the mirror.

I do not read to my children *every* day and I do not have them in after-school activities.

What else? I am sure I have forgotten something.

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