Sunday, August 05, 2007

We are back from our camping weekend. Lots to write about but I am tired so I'll do a quick recap and perhaps post in more detail later.

- cold and rain in the forecast does not mean it will rain or be cold
- Stephen is proud of our new tent and loved the tent-envy
- Do not stay on the beach until high tide and then try to drive out in the soft sand. You will get stuck. And when your friends stop to help you they will get stuck too. And the other friends who do not get stuck because their SUV can fly over sand dunes will rescue your dh left behind
- driving on the beach during high tide causes marital strife (proven true for four out of five couples)
- I am Killjoy for all of the children who want to walk into the woods with burning sticks
- my children were ridiculed by others because "you always listen to your parents!"
- Do not spend the 3-hour drive home from camping daydreaming about a hot shower because when you get home your hot water tank will not be working

And finally...

- do not blink or your baby will turn *4* years old while you are camping

Happy birthday, Baby Cars!

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