Tuesday, May 06, 2008

I bought new dishes for my kitchen this week. I was sick of the ones we had and since some were chipped, we had broken a few, and the set had been discontinued so I decided to buy replacements.

I debated for a long time about what to get. I thought a nice set of white dishes would be good because they would go with anything and would not really go out of style. But, what if the style were discontinued? And white can be awfully boring...

So I decided to go with Fiestaware. I already had a Fiestaware platter (it is a "seconds" that I bought at some store in Minneapolis) and a disk pitcher in cobalt blue. Oh, and three retired lilac tea cups that I bought on a whim off ebay in 1999). Anyway, the nice thing about Fiestaware is that it has been the exact same style and shape for seventy-something years (well, except for the decade or so that they did not actually make in the 70's-mid '80s). The colours change here and there but you can always match the style. Once I made my decision about the type of dishes, I needed to chose colours!

Of course, I was going to get more cobalt. And I do so love red (scarlet). And the peacock was a beautiful colour so I had to get that. And to round it off, I chose yellow (sunflower). So I bought two sets of each of those four colours. And thanks to Macy's sale (B1G1 Free and the 20% off friends discount that day), I did not have to spend a fortune. And I can add to the set as I need to (replacement pieces or full sets). And, they coordinate nicely with the Corelle that I bought last summer for the kids to use.

For those of you wondering why I sound so giddy over dishes... this seems silly perhaps but since I had ppd, I have had a really hard time making decisions. I agonized for MONTHS over a new duvet cover because I was afraid of making a bad decision. It takes weeks to find the right paint colour for my walls. I cannot decide what plants to buy for my planters. I am just so afraid of making the *wrong* decision that usually just I don't make any decisions at all. So to have made up my mind to buy these dishes in a quick time frame is huge for me. Ok, I did debate for months *if* I should buy new, but deciding to buy these particular dishes in these particular colours without playing it out a million different ways is a huge deal for me.

Just a little pat on the back I needed to give myself.

Here are the bowls, next to the Corelle (with the lilac cups peaking out in the background).

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