Wednesday, February 27, 2008

More Random Thoughts

  1. Jax earned a new Lego set by controlling his worry thoughts and by eating out at our friend's homes, new restaurants and by purchasing milk at school. I am very proud of him. He chose Indiana Jones Temple Escape. Now, do you think it can be found anywhere in the Puget Sound area? Nope! He is devestated and I had to order it from the Lego Store and it will not be shipped until April 2nd (I did not tell him that date or he would have had a heart attack in the store). I will break it to him gently later.
    edited to add that we did find a place online that had it so we ordered and it will arrive mid-March which is much better than early April.

  2. I waited too long to book the kids swimming lessons for next month and the 5pm time has been taken. Drats! They will have to swim at 6pm through the end of March. I went ahead and booked them for 5pm in April. Please don't let Dex's baseball practice be on Wednesdays.
    edited to add: I found out that Dex's baseball practice is on Wednesdays! Friggin Riggin Briggin!

  3. I have signed Cars up for swimming lessons starting next month. I can guarantee he will not cry once this year. He is really looking forward to it in fact.

  4. I took the Circuit Training class at the club for the first time since April or May. My legs were like jello when I was done. They will be plenty sore tomorrow.

  5. Today, my kids and I were talking about piercings and I have no idea why I told them that sometimes people pierce their nipples or their penises! OMG - what was I thinking?! I was just listing off all the places where people get piercings ("ears, nose, eyebrow, lip, and some people even pierce their..."). I quickly tried to change the subject and I pray that they do not repeat it to anyone!

  6. I learned how to make numbered bullet in html today.

  7. KillJoy (yes, she is that again) told me that I *must* send my sister birthday cards. Um, no.

  8. Cars is obsessed with pointing out fat people. "So and So's grandma is fat!" and "Mrs. Teacher is fat!" and this lovely one "Mommy, you are kind of fat! Not really fat, just kind of fat!"

  9. I have mentioned before that someone from my city is regularly reading my blahg. I finally figured it out today (checked ip address on the visitor's log against the ip address in an email header). Sneaky! She never told me that she reads here. Still watching Cars for me tomorrow?

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